Data Presentation Form or Style
Veri Sunumu Biçimi ya da Üslup

Author : Kerime ÜSTÜNOVA
Number of pages : 392-398


Knowledge presentation is at the disposal of the sender and the purpose is to ensure the coded units correctly by the receiver. Data entry is made to reach the aim. When this is done the language rules are worked in line with coherence and consistency principles, the least effort law is considered and all the methods and ways of expressions that are offered by language are used. When language is used, it is not ignored that the information presented in the sentence set the stage for the information to be presented later. Thus it is treated in such a way as to provide the basis for the information presented in the next sentence or sentence in each sentence. It is applied the repetitions for to access or be clinched messages; ways to blend old knowledge with new knowledge are sought. Such ways are found and such methods are created, so both old knowledge is used and it is struggled for not to become clear that old information is used; it is tried so that it is not understood that the style is repeated. When these are performed, the metalanguage is used, the aesthetic values are preserved, it is care that not to damage the structural properties of the language and the style is formed without realizing it. Because of the style can be described as “data presentation form”. The way to do the style analysis will go through examining how to use the language and this means examining the gramer. Therefore the syntax, syntagm format, manner of putting forward the important knowledge, direction of meaning; knowledge presentation, blending old knowledge with new knowledge; affirmation-negation, interrogation-answer, reason-result, usage of antonymy relationships; repetitions, surface structure-underlying structure relationships; everything about the sentence, such as number of elements, qualifications of the predicate, form of administration of elements of sentence; word selection and frequency, even affix, voice selection should be considered as determinants of the stylistic characteristics of the sender.


Style, data presentation, old knowledge, new knowledge, repetitions.

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