An Investigation of the Materials Published in the Language Teaching and Technology between 2005-2016 Years
2005-2016 Yılları Arasında Dil Öğretimi ve Teknoloji Alanında Yayınlanan Makalelerin İncelenmesi

Author : Mustafa KÖROĞLU
Number of pages : 738-749


One of the uses of technology, which has become an indispensable part of human life today, is language education and education. The technology used in the field of education emphasized that the researchers of today have a positive and positive effect on the education and training life, considering the contributions of the teachers. It is the most important indicator that the use of technology in education spreads day by day in our country and other world states. Audiovisual and visual aids have played an active role in many aspects of teaching and have been shown in studies that have simplified the concepts which are difficult to learn and which respond positively in the direction of attracting the attention of the student. In this study, it was aimed to evaluate the years and magazines published in the field of language teaching and technology in 2005-2016, the research model used, the universe sampling, data collection and analysis techniques. Ulakbim data base was used for the source search. In the research process, article scans are concentrated around the concept of "language teaching and technology". A document review method was used in the research. The coding related to the articles was carried out by the researchers in computer environment. Coding for ensuring coding reliability has been reviewed by two field experts. It is seen that the number of articles in the field of language teaching and technology has increased since 2010. This may be the reason for the transition of digital education to Meb schools. Since 2000, technology has also taken place in the educational life of the human being, which has been intertwined with technology, has affected language teaching as well as every other field.


language education, technology, use of technology in education

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