The Semiological Analysis of The Story The Selfish Giant By Oscar Wilde and Evaluation of Its Turkish Translations Through The Semiotics of Translation
Oscar Wilde’nin Bencil Dev Öyküsünün Göstergebilimsel Çözümlemesi ve Çeviri Göstergebilimi Bağlamında Türkçe Çevirilerinin Değerlendirilmesi

Author : Sündüz ÖZTÜRK KASAR -- Elif Batu
Number of pages : 920-950


This study aims to analyse the story titled The Selfish Giant by Oscar Wilde in the context of semiological analysis and to evaluate Turkish translations of this work in the context of translation semiotics. The analysis was carried out on the original text published in 1962 by Penguin Puffin Books. The eight different translations of the work by Nurettin Sevin, Rıza Can, Özgü Çelik, Roza Hakmen and Fatih Özgüven, Orhan Düz, Suat Ertüzün, İbrahim Şener, and Şemsettin Yeltekin have been chosen as data collection tools for the translation evaluation. The semiological analysis method, which is rooted in Greimas’s and Barthes’s methods, took its form from Coquet’s theory and was finally developed by Sündüz Öztürk Kasar, was used for analysing the original text. Furthermore, The Systematique of The Designificative Tendencies in Translation by Öztürk Kasar was used as a basis for evaluating the data obtained from this analysis for the translation evaluation. The findings show that the translators mostly had designative tendencies during the process of Turkish translation. These tendencies in order of decreasing frequency of the translated texts are: “disruption of meaning” (25 times), “annihilation of meaning” (15 times), “over-interpretation of meaning” (14 times), “shift in meaning” (eight times), “blurring of meaning” (four times), “under-representation of meaning” (three times), and lastly, “distortion of meaning” (twice). As a result, it is clear that, before translating a literary work, carrying out a semiotic analysis of the work or at least reading it from a semiotic viewpoint can be very useful to the translator in the process of translation. More designative tendencies may be found in translations performed without the help of semiological analysis.


The semiotics of translation, semiological analysis, Oscar Wilde

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