Developing Phonological Awareness and Reading Skills of a Student with Mild Mental Retardation through Phonological Awareness Education
Hafif Düzeyde Zihin Yetersizliği Olan Bir Öğrencinin Fonolojik Farkındalık ve Okuma Becerilerinin Fonolojik Farkındalık Eğitimi Aracılığıyla Geliştirilmesi

Author : Özge ERDOĞAN -- Merve UYGUR CELEP
Number of pages : 456-472


This study sought to develop the phonological awareness and reading skills of a student with mild mental retardation through phonological awareness education. A single subject research design was used in this study and was conducted with a student who attends a special education class in the Trabzon district of Turkey. According to the research on developing phonological awareness and reading skills, phonological awareness education was provided to the student for 7 weeks for a total of 70 hours. Measurements occurred 4 times in this period. One measurement was the Phonological Awareness Scale that was developed by Yangın, Erdoğan and Erdoğan (2008) and was used to determine the development of the student’s phonological awareness skill. The Informal Reading Inventory that was adopted by Akyol (2010) was also used to test the development of reading skills. At the end of this study, it was determined that phonological awareness education improved the student’s phonological awareness, word recognition and reading comprehension skills. Studies that relate to understanding syllabication, dividing sentences into words, recognizing that words may rhyme and recognizing that words may start and end with the same sounds must be conducted to improve the phonological awareness skills of students with mild mental retardation.


Key Words: Phonological awareness, reading, reading comprehension, word recognition, mild mental retardation.

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