“Marriage" as an Instrument of Power in the Saga of King Rother
Kral Rother Destanında Bir İktidar Aracı Olarak “Evlilik”

Author : H. Kazım KALKAN
Number of pages : 154-165


King Rother epic is a German epic that emerged in the twelfth century and consists of a total of 5197 verses. Except for the last lines, the entire work has survived until today. It is possible to say that the recognition rate of the relevant epic is very low in Turkey, as the studies in Turkey related to the work in question are very limited. From a historical reality point of view, there is no Emperor named “Rother” in history, and the hero is a fictional personality. In order to create the main character of the work, a fictional hero was created using different historical personalities, and as material, it was partially lived in different periods of European history and it was used in the memories of the people. The work focuses on a series of adventures as King Rother approached the daughter of the Eastern Roman Emperor Constantine to marry. The conflict between the two kings is also a reflection of the ongoing struggle of domination between the Eastern and Western Roman Empires in the story where Constantine represented East Rome and Rother represented West Rome. In this study, other's intention was to answer the question whether the marriage was based on emotional causes, or whether it was one of the political marriages to strengthen or strengthen the power we have seen in history. The first part of the study focused on the summary of the work, its characters and its relation to historical reality, and then briefly addressed the understanding of marriage in medieval Europe. In the last section, the reasons that make the marriage of Rother necessary were examined by taking into consideration the conditions of the period in which the work was made.


King Rother, Epic, German epics.

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