Yabancı Dil Eğitimindeki Sorunlar ve Nedenleri
Where Do the Problems in the Turkish Foreign Language Education Stem From?

Author : Ali IŞIK -Birgen IŞIK
Number of pages : 1-19


Turkey has invested a lot in foreign language education; however, the expected goals are not likely to be acknowledged yet especially in English as a foreign language (EFL) education. This paper aims at uncovering the factors causing inefficiency in the Turkish foreign language education system and then offering suggestions to overcome stated problems. The paper points out that the problems causing inefficiency in foreign language education mainly stem from adopted foreign language education approach, foreign language education planning policy, teacher education/training system, adopted teaching materials, and measurement and evaluation system. The paper concludes with a discussion about how to overcome these problems. It offers a meaning-based foreign language education method trying to expose students to a massive number of comprehensive samples of a target language. Naturally, such a shift in language education method, calls for materials and measurement evaluation compatible with the method. As the teachers are one of the agents of the foreign language education process and any innovation can only be realized with teachers, teacher training needs to be planned systematically as an ongoing event. Finally, all these changes can only be potentially realized by the authorities who determine the foreign language policy by scientifically exploiting data obtained through context and needs analysis.


Foreign language education, teacher training, ELT materials, language acquisition, language program development, foreign language education policy

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