KARAKUM GÜNEŞİ – IV “Anayurdun şairi yahut bitmeyen ukdenin ıstırabı”
SUN OF KARAKUM - IV “The poet of Homeland, or the agony of endless regret”

Author : Ünal Zal
Number of pages : 303-311


Among the works of literature, poetry is the sole genre which can never be completed. No matter who defines it, and how it is defined, there is always a missing point. The reason for this is that poetry has a characteristic sanctity. Within the concept of existence, poetry is the harbinger of literary secrets that we see and for the poets who dare to dive into darkness in every age, it is a song in which the individual finds himself, and which is the common voice of society, and it is the smiling garden of destiny, so to say. Also, poetry is the combination of language and entity. Concepts such as universe, life, death, love, art and philosophy are best expressed through poems. It is the enthusiasm of a single individual and a common attitude. Since time immemorial, people have thought that poets are the closest people to the Creator because they renounce their comfort for the sake of trying to rediscover the secrets of stars, waters and trees as they look at them with admiration. One of the poets expending a lot of effort on this way is Ak Welsapar, a Turkman poet living in a remote northern country in a twist of fate. He pursued his art to describe his homeland pleasantly, to love it, and to be proud of it. He collected his emotions in these two books known as Ak Öy (1996) and Watanym Galdy (2005). In this study, the poems of Ak Welsapar, one of the significant representatives of current Turkman literature abroad, will be dwelt upon; on the basis of the two books entitled Ak Öy (1996) and Watanym Galdy (2005), his view of life, his expectation, his dreams, his griefs, and his present status will be assessed.


Poetry, Ak Öy, Watanym Galdy, Ak Welsapar, Turkmenistan

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