The Emerging of Western Civilization in the Last period of the Ottoman Empire in Istanbul and the Clash of Civilizations in Novels of Authoress of Republican Period
Osmanlı’nın Son Döneminde İstanbul’da Yükselen Batı Medeniyeti ve Cumhuriyet Dönemi Kadın Yazarların Romanlarında Medeniyetler Çatışması

Author : Tuba Yılmaz
Number of pages : 394-410


After the begining of Ottoman Empire to loose territory, the administration and intellectuals started to find new ways to save the Ottoman. In the 19. century the main idea was that the Western modernization and using of Western sources could be only way of the new awaking of the Ottoman. Most of the intellectuals defend that only technical reforms and renovations were not enough for Ottoman. In this context a discussion started: Changes on woman’s life. This new idea believed that with the social change of women the Ottoman state will proper. After this opinion of modernization, a new period of change started in private and social life of women. The changes in social life caused of a new discussion on the definition of “civizilation”. This changes mainly happened quickly in neighborhood of Istanbul Sisli. In this term, the people who were living in this area only focused on nightlife and entertainment. After the start of National independence period we can see insensitivity of this people for Liberty war. All of these developments were awaked the Turkish intellectuals. The authoress aimed to show the wrong modernization and westernization. They focus on wrong modernized and westernized women types and critics in their novels. This work will explain the meanig of “civilisation, westernisation and modernization”. Additionally the misinterpretation of “modernization” in final period of Ottoman and begining period of Turkish Republic will be examined. Finally the conflicts between authoress who aims to explain “Modern Republic ideology, Ideal Westernisation” to the women and Oriental Civilisation’s defender will be explained.


Ottoman Empire, Civilisation, Westernisation, Republic, Women Novels

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