Reading Strategies For Use In The Courses Of Turkish Teachers

Author : Selma ERDAĞI TOKSUN -- Funda TOPRAK
Number of pages : 276-292


A number of mental processes are needed to make sense of the basic aim of reading. A reading activity that does not result in understanding means that it has not reached its true purpose. The basic aim of the school is to develop the ability to understand and to understand this way. Reading comprehension; It is one of the basic language skills that must make sense from a written material and that the details require the concept to be acquired by the students from the elementary school level (Rose ve diğ. 2000: 55, akt. Epçaçan, 2009: 210). Reading is not a one-semester course, but a life-long and developing skill. Teachers have great responsibilities in this direction. This study was conducted in order to examine the levels of Turkish teachers to use their skills of reading strategies and determine the methods and techniques of Turkish teachers regarding the skills of reading-understanding that they use inside and outside of classroom in order to enable students to acquire the skills of reading-understanding. This study was conducted using observation of qualitative data collection techniques. Population of the study consisted of Turkish teachers rendering service in the academic year of 2012–2013 at secondary schools affiliated with the Ministry of National Education in the province and districts of Kars. The data were collected by using structured observation form. The data were analyzed by using of the descriptive analysis technique. According to the study results; it was determined that the Turkish teachers performed activities inside and outside of class to develop students’ cognitive awareness skills of reading strategies, but they were insufficient.


Turkish education, reading education, reading skill, reading methods

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