Positive and Negative Meaning in the Some Words That Are Derived and in the Form of Roots in Orhon Inscription
Orhon Kitâbelerinde Kök Halinde ve Türemiş Olan Bazı Kelimelerde Olumlu ve Olumsuz Anlam

Author : Serpil SOYDAN
Number of pages : 869-885


The Orhon Inscriptions are grave stones found in southern Siberia and around the Yenisey River. It is a history written on the first Turkish texts and stones that the Turkish name passed through. State accounts and calculation of the nation is explained. The runic script used in these books was resolved in 1893 by the Danish linguist Vilhelm Thomsen. In these inscriptions there is an advanced language presence and the art of oratory. In this study, the words used in positive and negative terms which are included in the developed language existence were tried to be examined. The Orhon Inscriptions of Erhan Aydın (Köl Tegin, Bilge Kağan, Tonyukuk, Ongi, Küli Çor), Orhon Turkısh Grammar of Talat Tekin and Orhon Inscriptions of Talat Tekin were utilized in determining the words used in the Orhon texts in positive and negative terms. These words, which are determined in terms of structure, have negative meanings in terms of structure and they are used in terms of positive or negative meaning, used in the negative sense in addition to the positive meaning in the case of the root have been examined words used in the positive meaning in spite of the negation particle.The purpose of the work is to try to identify the changes in the meaning of certain words that have root or derived in the Orhon inscription.


Orhon inscription, positive meaning, negative meaning, root, appendix, structure

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