Le Protectionnisme de Jean Genet

Author : Deniz KÜZECİ
Number of pages : 154-162


Jean Genet, being without a father, a person involuntarily born by a mother who sells her body, is rejected by her own people especially in her childhood and scorned by her society. His mother leaves him at the orphanage and becomes invisible. His childhood is spent next to his foster family and he has suffered several presses and violence affecting his pride. He must steal to live and He implicates until the end in many crimes like the prostitution of his mother. He is put in the prison several times. He spends years in prison. He begins to write in the prison and revolts against the wicked established order that rejects him and scorns him. He seeks his place in the world. He only decides to be next to crushed people like him. He becomes a willing supporter of the rights of Palestinians. He praises the Palestinians in his book entitled A Lovers Captive. He becomes the only European witness of the massacres and presses applied by soldiers of Israel. He seeks to announce everything that happens there. Although he knows that the people he supports may be the cause of his death, he continues this dangerous process in which he enters. At last he is found dead in his hotel room.


Jean Genet, patron of Jean Genet, Chatila Massacre, Palestinians, black panthers

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