A Critical Review Of Listening/Monitoring Activities In The 2017 5th Grade Turkish Course Book
2017 5. Sınıf Türkçe Ders Kitabında Yer Alan Dinleme/İzleme Etkinliklerine Eleştirel Bir Bakış

Author : Bilge BAĞCI AYRANCI -- Gülşah DURMUŞ
Number of pages : 192-216


Listening skill is a very important skill that is needed in communication processes in both private and school life as well as professional life. Taking into account the difference in meaning between listening and hearing, the ability to understand and keep in mind the old knowledge that you listen to is at the forefront. The listening skill also contributes to the critical thinking skills of the person. Listening education is a field that should be given great importance in this respect. This study is important because it deals with textbooks in terms of listening ability. The introduction of deficiencies in the textbooks for listening training will also improve the textbooks in terms of listening training. Descriptive method was used in the scope of the research. In the study all the activities were evaluated of the 8 listening / monitoring texts included in the 2017 5th Grade Turkish Textbook in terms of student level and compliance with listening / monitoring gains in the 2017 and 2018 Turkish Language Teaching Programs. The most important result reached from the movement of the work data is that there is no clear distinction between the basic language skills (listening/ monitoring, speaking, reading, writing, visual reading and visual presentation and linguistic knowledge) in the activities with sharp lines and on the contrary the passiveness between the skills is foregrounded.


5th Grade Turkish Course Book (2017), listening/ monitoring activities, 2017 and 2018 Turkish Lesson Curriculum

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