Gerunds in the Turkish Language
Les Gérondifs Dans La Langue Turque

Author : Ertuğrul EFEOĞLU
Number of pages : 101-114


The purpose of this article is to introduce gerunds in Turkish of Turkey to francophones who are trying to learn this language. The Turkish language is an Uralo-Altaic language; because of its typological structure it is agglutinative. The user of one of the Indo-European languages ??would find himself compelled to face a great number of dissimilarities which seemed to him incomprehensible. This text is intended to show them some gerunds by its many aspects ... This category of Turkish grammar encompass a quantity of morpheme and lexie. Their formations and the functions they assume in sentences would suffice to demonstrate the original richness of Turkish. Certainly, the originality lies in the picturesque language. Each of the languages ??unveiled by the beginner or the false beginner opens before his eyes new surprising fields. The pre-advanced or advanced learner goes beyond the discovered beauties, he goes on to explore the subtleties of the target language. This article is addressed to the latter, does not neglect to remind all those who have been interested in Turkish some preliminary concepts and terms in Turkish, as well as their pronunciations. It would be desirable to grow the curiosity of the first ... Besides the pleasure of learning a language "very" foreign, we often dream to make translations. The translation of the foreign language into the mother tongue and the translation from the mother tongue to the foreign language would require grammatical knowledge. This article proposes to be useful to learners and to translators.


Turkish grammar, Gerunds, participle, Learning Turkish, Translation and interpretation.

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