The Image Values That Enable Dramatic Action in the Epic Story of “Kan Turali, Son of Kanli Koja”
Kanlı Koca Oğlu Kan Turalı Boyu Destanında Dramatik Aksiyonu Sağlayan Görüntü Değerleri

Author : Dinçer ATAY
Number of pages : 69-88


In fictions, dynamism of plotline is kept alive by the conflict of opposing forces. In the epic stories of Dede Korkut as well, the mythical life of the world of Oghuz Turks is concretised with universal and philosophical values. This mythical and philosophical structure drags readers to the threshold of different readings. Considering Dede Korkut’s epic story of “Kan Turali, Son of Kanli Koja” as a fiction, the current study assessed the elements of conflict in its fictional plotline according to the dialectics of ideal value versus counter-ideal value. The appearances of ideal and counter-ideal values on the plane of persons, concepts and symbols were examined with a search for new meanings. Insights were offered about some phenomena the appearances of which gain concreteness on such planes. The myth of the multidimensional self-realisation of the human as shown in the example of Kan Turali appears to take place in different semantic sequences in the text. Kan Turali, Son of Kanli Koja, deserves Yellow-Robed Princess Saljan, who possesses the characteristics that the spouse of his ideals must possess, by fighting for her, and thus realises his ideal.


Dede Korkut, Kan Turali, fiction, dramatic action, ideal value versus counter-ideal value.

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