Analyzing of Secondary School Turkish Curriculums in Terms of Functional Reading (1924-2015)
Ortaokul Türkçe Öğretim Programlarının İşlevsel Okuma Açısından İncelenmesi (1924-2015)

Author : Musa ÇİFCİ -- Mehmet SOYUÇOK
Number of pages : 455-476


The purpose of this study is to analyze the Secondary School  Turkish Curriculum that was performed between the years 1924 and 2015 in terms of functional reading. Also each curriculum  in itself was compared in basis of grades and other curriculums in terms of functional reading. The universe of the study is consisted of 1340 (1924) high school first term curriculum, 1929 secondary school Turkish curriculum, 1931-1932 education year Turkish curriculum that was changed, 1938 Secondary school Turkish curriculum, 1949 secondary school Turkish curriculum, 1962 secondary school Turkish curriculum, 1981 primary education schools Turkish curriculum, 2005 Turkish curriculum of  6th and 8th grades, 2015 turkish curriculum of 1st-8th gradedes. In order to analyze the curriculums in terms of functional reading, a functional reading list is prepared by getting a professional’s opinion and the analyzes of curriculums were based on  this list. Thile the curriculums were being analyzed in terms of functional reading, it was not considered whether the functions in curriculums were the same as the  functional reading skill or not, but it was considered if the functions in curriculum were able to acquire the functional reading skill. In the result of this study it was not only seen that; curriculums varied in terms of including functional reading in years but also the functions about the functional reading skill those were included in any curriculum were not revised in different grades. The best curriculum in terms of functional reading is 1949 secondary school Turkish curriculum and the worst curriculum is 1340 (1924)  high school first term curriculum.


Reading, teaching of reading, functional reading, curriculum.

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