A Glance from Mass Media to Television in Respect of Turkish Language Training
Kitle İletişim Araçlarından Televizyona Türkçe Eğitimi Açısından Bir Bakış

Author : Merve SUCU -- Özlem BAYRAK CÖMERT
Number of pages : 399-418


Television is one of those mass media bearing important social functions. Given its feature of reaching large masses, television may assume a major role in respect of promoting and strengthening the Turkish culture by referring to correct examples. This study focuses on the impacts of television on developing language skills, enriching the vocabulary and adopting cultural values.  Qualitative and quantitative research methods have jointly been used in this study which has a descriptive survey model. The workgroup of the research is composed of fifty Turkish language teachers working at the Yenimahalle and Keçiören districts of Ankara in the academic year of 2017-2018. The teachers were applied an interview form of forty seven questions by means of semi-structured interview method used for uncovering the views of the teachers. The research has shown that the teachers consider watching television as a leisure time activity and television does not help to develop the acquisition of language skills.  Though certain programs are deemed as positive examples in respect of training of cultural elements and values, the teachers do not use these television programs to develop their language skills at Turkish classes.


Turkish Language Training, Language Skills, Television, Culture, Values Education.

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