“Garip bir Tören”: Socio-linguistic Comprehension Processes and Pragmatic Awareness of Turkish Learners at B2-C1 Levels: A Testing Example of Greek-Speaking Students

Author : Konstantinos BILALIS -- Maria Karastamati - Eleni-Ioanna Tzitzi - Eirini Kotseli
Number of pages : 55-81


By correlating the speech act to its implementation within the boundaries of the university environment, this particular study orientates towards the interlinguistic phenotypes produced by students of the Turkish language during the learning process on the course of the curriculum of the Department of Turkish Studies & Modern Asian Studies. In a contemporary, evolving research program, launched on 2013, interlanguage issues of the students integrated into a system of multivariate analysis are being examined.  The progress of the intaking capability on morphological and syntactical aspects is investigated, as well as the assimilation levels of the conditions leading to a successful pragmatic interaction between the inputting of the teaching process and the outputting of the language product, in generally. Our aim, within this paper, is to give some raw data received by preliminary reports regarding in an unusual reading comprehension test, the socio-linguistic dimensions and the pragmatic correlations on the B2-C1 learning levels.


Applied Linguistics, socio-linguistic variations, pragmatics, interlanguage, reading comprehension testing

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