Author : Ayhan BAYRAK
Number of pages : 1-17


In Turkish language, -(l)ş - / - (U)ş- is a very productive affix that is used to make new verbs from verbs.We can see this affix named as ‘reciprocal affix’ in many grammar books. Under this title, verbs used with this affix mean making together or mutual. These statements are partially true but not sufficient. Other meanings of this affix generated on verbs are not emphasised. This topic is mentioned with a few sentencs superficially. Free from any doubt, our perception level of grammar has a strong effect in this point. Our grammar books based on structure and form of the verbs, and do not give detailed information about modification of the affix on the meaning and function of the verbs. When we look at the current dictionary published by Turkish Language Society, not all the verbs formed with -(l)ş - / - (U)ş- supports the the above-mentioned reciprocal functions. It is unders-tood that this affix has other functions. In this study, verbs formed with -(l)ş - / - (U)ş- was examined one by one with all the meanings in the dictionary. At the end of this examination, we divided the verbs into two main groups: -(l)ş - / - (U)ş- rooted verbs stating togetherness and mutual -(l)ş - / - (U)ş- rooted verbs not stating togetherness and mutual We try to explain that -(l)ş - / - (U)ş- rooted verbs -which are not stating togetherness and mu-tual - are used many different functions such as: reinforcement, process, reflexive and stative


grammar, dictionary, verbs, affix, functional.

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