A Comparative Study on Objectives and Components of Reading Skill in National Curriculum of Iran and America (New Jersey) at High School

Author : Elham Ghaderi Doust
Number of pages : 48-60


This study aims to provide a preliminary of the codification of the objectives and components of teaching reading within the National Language curriculum in upper secondary in correlation with elementary and lower secondary curriculums. The data includes the Persian Language curriculum in Iranian upper secondary schools (version 2007) and American core curriculum for Language Arts (in New Jersey, 2004) collected through library study and note taking from Iran and foreign documents. The data have been analyzed qualitatively (through grounded theory method) at the secondary level. In the present research, objectives and components of teaching reading within the curriculums of mentioned countries are analyzed and surveyed based on Autonomous and Ideological approaches to literacy; suggesting that objectives and components of American curriculum for teaching reading are formularized and influenced by Ideological approach, whereas Iranian reading curriculum owns the features of Autonomous Approach (consciously or unconsciously) and features related to Ideological approach are negligible in Iran. After discussing characteristics of curriculums in America (New Jersey), influenced by the Ideological approach to literacy, the merits and demerits of objectives and components of Iranian curriculum for teaching reading and some proposals to refine have been cited.


Reading Skill, National Language Curriculum, Objectives and Components

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