Meaning Attributes of Numbers in Proverbs and Idioms
Sayıların Atasözü ve Deyimlere Yükledikleri Anlamlar

Author : Mustafa ULUTAŞ -- Zekerya BATUR
Number of pages : 361-377


Proverbs and idioms; are the most precious elements that reflect the cultural infrastructure, vocabulary and richness of a nation.  It is important to examine and analyze the social life style of a nation, their preferences and experience of using languages with different points of view. It is known that Turkish proverbs and idioms are examined from different perspectives by researchers. It is noteworthy that has been uncovered of a wide variety of things of this precious asset of the element of speech. Turkish proverbs and idioms, when examined, reveal different gates and is a cultural palace that reaches new knowledge and ideas about culture and language. From this point on in this study, it is aimed to determine the frequencies of the proverbs and idioms in which the numbers take place and meanings numbers attribute these. The Dictionary of Proverbs and Idioms prepared by the Turkish Language Association in the general network environment is scanned in terms of numbers used in proverbs and idioms. The frequencies of the proverbs and idioms detected in the scanning were determined. It has been attempted to determine the meanings these numbers attribute. These proverbs and idioms that are coded in meaning by researchers and field experts grouped under “communication, actions, human relations, behaviors, personality characteristics and situations" themes. Based on the codes and themes set out, a number of evaluations have been made about the meanings which numbers attribute the proverbs and idioms.


Proverb, idiom, number, frequency level, meaning.

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