Literary Translations from Russian Literature to Turkish Language during Republican Period
Cumhuriyet Dönemi Rus Edebiyatından Türkçeye Yapılan Edebi Çeviriler

Author : Emrah ÖZCAN
Number of pages : 103-111


Civilization is a unity of cultural wealth of all societies. There is a strong connection between the process of reaching from nationality to universality, reaching the level of modern civilization and translation. Societies need to be developed and renew themselves in cultural and intellectual fields as much as in political and economic ones. Development in cultural and intellectual fields can only be achieved by translating literary works written in foreign languages. The relation between Turks and Russians which continues for centuries has not been realized in cultural and intellectual fields on political and economic levels. The first literary translation from Russian to Turkish was published only towards the end of XIX. Century. In this paper, after covering translation works done before the Republican Period starting from the first literary translation from Russian to Turkish, systematic translation activity in the Republican period and translations from Russian literature to Turkish language will be discussed.


Russian, Turkish, Literary Translation, Republican Period.

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