Lexical Analysis of a Textbook based on the EVP

Author : Abdullah ARSLAN -- Ali ERARSLAN
Number of pages : 1-12


Commonly accepted as an important component in EFL, vocabulary teaching in textbooks plays a great role in how well a learner can communicate in a language because it is the lexical items that convey the information and meaning of what the learner wishes to express. In this paper, we examine the words selected for the vocabulary activity of the textbook. Aiming at A2 Level, Mastermind is used by the 8th grade learners of English attending secondary schools in Turkey in order to portray whether the level of each word in vocabulary activities of the textbook is calibrated and appropriate according to A2 Level, determined by the English Vocabulary Profile based on the levels of Common European Framework of Reference for Languages ranging from A1 to C2. In this context, the Text Inspector, a search tool based on the EVP, is employed as a search instrument in this study. As a result of the analysis carried out, it is found out that the textbook, Mastermind for 8th grade secondary school does not correspond with A2 Level suggested by the 8th grade curriculum of BED in terms of the activities for teaching vocabulary.


Lexical analysis, English textbook, English vocabulary profile, Text inspector.

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