The Study On The Children’s Book, Named "Yaşasın Ç Harfi Kardeşliği" By Behiç Ak, in terms of Structural and Educational Principles
Behiç Ak’ın “Yaşasın Ç Harfi Kardeşliği” Adlı Çocuk Romanının Yapısal ve Eğitsel İlkeler Açısından İncelenmesi

Author : Kübra Duran
Number of pages : 234-251


The main purpose of the literary children’s books is to enrich the child reader’s world of imagination, emotion and thought. In this context, children’s literature works need to be in accordance with the basic educational principles along with morphological and content properties. The aim of this study is to examine the book, named "Yaşasın Ç Harfi Kardeşliği" by Behiç Ak, in terms of structural and educational principles and to evaluate it according to the principle of the child relativity. "The Descriptive Analysis" has been used on the data analysis obtained from the research. In the light of data obtained, it has been determined that the book, "Yaşasın Ç Harfi Kardeşliği" is a qualified book in terms of structural and educational principles, and is in compliance with the principle of the child relativity.


Behiç Ak, Children’s Literature, "Yaşasın Ç Harfi Kardeşliği", structural characteristics

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