The Analysis of the Copyright Child Literature Series Named “Çıtır Çıtır Felsefe” Based on Jackson’s Concept
“Çıtır Çıtır Felsefe” Adlı Telif Çocuk Edebiyatı Serisinin Jackson Konsepti Bağlamında İncelenmesi

Number of pages : 14-30


In recent years, with the increasing interest and interest in children's literature, the subject areas of children's literature have started to show diversity. The relationship between children's literature and children's philosophy is one of these areas. The philosophy of children, which was introduced to literature by Karl Jaspers in 1953, emerged in the full 1970s with the systematic work of Matthew Lipman. The aim of this study is to examine the books of Çıtır Çıtır Philosophy published in France from the perspective of children's literature and children's philosophy and to examine the appropriateness of the stories in the books to the competencies listed by Daurer under the title of “Jackson Concept”. Within the scope of the study, 12 books which were selected from the Çıtır Çıtır Philosophy series by simple random sampling were examined. These books include Justice and Unfairness, Success and Failure, Body and Reason, Courage and Fear, Beauty and Ugliness, Rights and Homework, Work and Money, Good and Evil, Machines and People, Free and Non-Violence and Nonviolence. According to the findings, 136 findings were found appropriate to the logical abilities title in the books examined, while 6 findings related to personality development skills and 4 findings in the social abilities title were identified.


Children's literature, children's philosophy, Doris Daurer, Jackson method, Thomas Jackson,

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