The Language of Generation Z in the Axis of Generation Conflicts
Kuşak Çatışmaları Ekseninde Z Kuşağının Dili

Author : Elmas ÇOKOL
Number of pages : 404-419


Turkish, which has a history of thousands of years, has been divided into various dialects until today, and has experienced many changes. These changes are still going on. However, changes in all natural languages were generally perceived as negative in almost every period. The main reason for this is that young and mature generations have different perspectives on preserving the past and adapting to innovation. It is possible to follow the traces of generational conflicts from ancient times to today. Nowadays, especially the Turkish of the generation Z, born after the 2000s, has been criticized in many ways by previous generations. Some of these criticisms are the use of English words, slang and jargon, mumpsimuses - deviations from general grammar rules, spelling problems and divergence from the literary language tradition. However, most of these criticisms are not specific today. In the past, intellectuals have criticized the languages of their time for similar reasons. However, contrary to these negative interpretations, language innovations, called re-analysis, often open new areas to language for the transfer of its past features to the future and provide the development of the language. As a matter of fact, it is seen that many new words such as atarlanmak, dis atmak, dm’den yürümek, duyar kasmak, gider yapmak, kafa açmak, kafasını yaşamak, stolklamak, tav olmak, trip atmak, yargı dağıtmak that young people use today are reinterpreted forms of old language habits. Considering that the languages that were not reprocessed by their speakers died, it is a good sign that Turkish continues to be reinterpreted today. It seems possible to achieve better results with a language awareness and a good education.


Conflict of generation, generation Z, the language of generation Z, language changes, youth slang.

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