Alienation in the "Yaban" and the Problem of Belonging
Yaban’da Yabancılaşma ve Aidiyet Sorunu

Author : Osman ORUÇ
Number of pages : 787-800


Alienation, a concept of humanity not limited any period of the history, is one of the main facts of the modern societies which has been discussed for so long, claimed to be at the same age as the humanity, and have accelerated together with the industrialization. The issue of alienation considered to be a philosophical/psychological/sociological concept has also a ground of discussion in literature. Especially claimed to be an issue of modern/postmodern literature, this concept has been a principal term in the literary text since the previous century. The alienation in this regard has been one of the dominant matters of the books in the Turkish literature published following the 2nd World War.Yakup Kadri Karaosmanoğlu is one of our novelists who comprehended the recent years of the Ottoman Empire and the Republican years, discoursed the adventure, change experienced by the Turkish Nation from the Tanzimat (reforms) Era to the Republic in his books and has a remarkable place in the establishment of the modern Turkish society. This paper, based on the fact that the wars experienced by the society cause the alienation of the individual against himself, aims to reveal the self-alienation and alienation against the society concepts.


'Yaban', alienation, Yakup Kadri Karaosmanoğlu, intellectual, escape

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