Figures and Motifs in E.T.A Hoffmann’s Long Story Titled “Der Sandmann”
E.T.A Hoffmann’ın “Der Sandmann” Başlıklı Uzun Öyküsünde Figürler ve Göz İzleği

Author : Hüseyin ARAK
Number of pages : 567-581


In this study, the prominent motifs and figures are dealt within the long story titled “der Sandmann” written by Hoffman who is one of the accomplished, mysterious writers of German literature. In this study in which the contextual review method was primarily utilized, the secondary sources were also benefitted from. The main figure Nathanael’s fear of losing her eyesight which dates back until her childhood causes traumatic events. The question of whether experiences that bear her fears were Nathanael’s dreams or things she really experienced, was left open ended by Hoffman deliberately to leave a room for ambiguity until the end of the story. The aim of the writer is to reveal the scope of human experience opportunities to the fullest extent. The writer tries to show all kind of possible phenomena, dreams and fears mankind may experience. The impact the author wants to achieve in the story told is that it touches the soul of a person. Hoffman wants to give the impression that he himself had experienced such things before. Fictitious world created through imagination allows people to get rid from the impediments generated via their daily routines and exceed the limits. This story is a good example for readers to show what might happen when believed in doubts, predictions and dreams instead of facts. The reader witnesses what may happen when he enters the world of the ones who are at the edge of the cliff of the sick soul and evil; the dreams and the madness; the supernatural and the unknown. The main figure Nathanael’s isolation from the society and withdrawal into herself was not the result of the social code of the society she was in. Nathanael chose loneliness consciously by turning her back to the society and retiring into her shell. She does not have the idea of adapting herself to the existing conditions, because of that she always tends to stick to her guns. The residuals of psychological fear from childhood can follow the whole life of a person and even it can also lead a person to suicide as it is the case here.


Sandmann, eye motif, fears

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