The Third Plural Person Possessive Suffix in Turkey Turkish
Türkiye Türkçesinde Üçüncü Çokluk Kişi İyelik Eki

Author : Aslıhan DİNÇER
Number of pages : 31-41


In the Turkey Turkish grammar or in various studies related to the field third singular person possessive suffix is presented +X /+sX; as to third plural person possessive suffix mostly as +lArI. However; +lAr suffix is a suffix that belongs to plural category and it occasionally refers to the noun next to it, occasionally the noun that possessive’s found with various meaning relevance according to the necessity of the context. The following +X also expressess the suffix which sometimes belongs to third singular and sometimes third plural person again according to context; when there is not an explanatory integrity, it remains unclear to whom suffix explains. Because, the suffixes are the same which shows singular and plural third person and the only way to determine this is to have full knowledge of context. Based on this thesis, here it is put emphasis on necessity not to include +lAr suffix to third plural person possessive suffix, must be accepted as +X /+sX in all conditions.


possessive suffixes, third singular person possessive suffix, third plural person possessive suffix, context.

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