A Study on the Translated Versions of “Froschkönig”
Eine Untersuchung über die Türkischen Übersetzungen des Werkes Namens "Froschkönig"

Author : Lokman TANRIKULU
Number of pages : 273-283


Translation process in our modern world is an irreplaceable activity that facilitates and bridges to all sorts of dialogues and communication among the communities and individuals. Thanks to translation process, whatever language is used, literary texts such as novels, stories, fairy tales or dramas, which are the products of human knowledge and skills, can be the common heritage of the mankind. Improving our education, culture, knowledge and skills, catching up with the contemporary ideas and modernizing or contributing to this development, all such factors cause translation activity to be unavoidable. “Froschkönig” in the book titled “Kinder und Hausmärchen” published by Jakop and Wilhelm Grimm in 1812 has been translated into Turkish by several translators. In this study, three versions were picked up and an analysis, a kind of translation criticism was made in order to exhibit the similarities and differences between the source text and the target text. Our aim is to define the translation strategies used by the translators when conveying the message from source language to target language and to present its results. In this study, the translated texts will be evaluated within the frame of Gideon Toury’s target oriented translation approach and translation strategies. According to this approach, the target text closest to the original text will be considered as “adequate”, the one farthest to the original will be considered as “acceptable”. Preliminary norms and operational norms were primarily examined. Various sentences from the original text were randomly picked up and their equivalences in three different versions were analysed within the frame of Gideon Toury’s target oriented translation approach and translation strategies. As a result of our study we could say that Seda Çıngıray’s work is “acceptable” in consideration with its proximity to the target text, language and culture; Zeynep Atayman and Kamuran Şipal’s works, on the other hand, are “adequate” translations due to the fact that their works are much closer to the target text, language and culture.


translation, adequate, acceptable, target-oriented translation, translation strategies

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