The Animal-Human Relationship in the Stories ''The Red Cat'' of Luise Rinser and ''The Betrayal'' Of Wolfdietrich Schnurre
Wolfdietrich Schnurren’in ‘İhanet’ ve Luise Rinser’in ‘Kırmızı Kedi’ Kısa Hikâyelerinde Hayvan - İnsan İlişkisi

Author : Birkan KARGI
Number of pages : 32-39


As the aim of this study, in the context of Wolfdietrich Schnurre's  ''The Betrayal'' and of Luise Rinser's The Red Cat'' where animals have been used as an object to reflect the humanistic deeds, in which hunger forms the background, the feeling of ''Guiltiness'', connected with betrayal and anger, has been studied. In the ''The Betrayal'', the father and the son have abondened their freedom and friendship in order for the survival of a monkey, named Gibson. In the short story  ''The Red Cat'' a 12-year old boy's killing, out of his anger, of a red cat assuming it as a threat despoite the existance of his family. In either works of art, the final end of the attitudes of the heroes have become a feeling of worry and guiltiness. In the first part of the study, in order to observe the attitudes of the children better, the needs hierarchy of Maslov has been explained. Later, the conditions of the era and action nontezt of the events have been given. In the final part, the child attitudes have been evaluated, compared with the conditions of the era and incentives. Additionally, the attitudes of the children have been criticisingly studied with the animals that live under similar conditions with human beings and always stay as a child.


Betrayal, Anger, Instinct, Hunger, Post-War

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