Multi-cultural Identity of Translator and Reflection of Identity to Translation
Çevirmenin Çok Kültürlü Kimliği ve Kimliğin Çeviriye Yansıması

Author : Aslı Araboğlu
Number of pages : 92-103


The multi-cultural identity of the translator undoubtedly contributes to a complex and multifaceted process of translation and meet readers’ expectations through filtering of different cultural strata in transformation of the source text into the target text. In addition to being a scientific phenomenon, translation is also a social phenomenon. This enables us to look at translation from a more holistic and social perspective. It should be considered that the translator is influenced and shaped by the society as well as translation can affect the society through translation. In autobiographies, it is also possible to analyze the multi-cultural identity of the author/translator by re-reading about her personal life. Halide Edib Adıvar wrote her autobiographies in two different languages; Mor Salkımlı Ev - Memoirs of Halide Edip and Türkün Ateşle İmtihanı - The Turkish Ordeal. The first transformation of her own life story was in English instead of her native language of Turkish. Then second transfer was translating English autobiographies into Turkish. It has been seen that Adıvar’s tidal in her multi-cultural identity structure, in fact affected her translation decisions and strategies. In this sense, as an example of a reflection of the identity of the translator to the translation process, the translation of the identity through English autobiographies and the re-translation of the identity through Turkish translations will be emphasized at this study.


Multicultural identity, translation, cultural strata, Halide Edib Adıvar, autobiography

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