The Reform of Istanbul University: The Relationship between Translator and Writer Identities of Turkish Scientists in Publishing Activities and Bourdieusian Sociology
İstanbul Üniversitesi Reformu: Yayıncılık Faaliyetlerinde Türk Akademisyenlerin Çevirmen ve Yazar Kimlikleri ile Bourdieu Sosyolojisi Arasındaki İlişki

Number of pages : 412-422


Darülfünun was closed down for many reasons such as not being able to fulfill the expected educational breakthroughs and the fact that scientists did not change their lecture notes for many years. As a result of international negotiations, the need for scientists in the field of education was met by German-speaking scientists who fled from Hitler Germany. During their stay in Turkey, foreign scientists served in the scientific field by conducting academic activities and contributed to the development of the habitus and capitals of many Turkish scientists. In the case of the Istanbul Law Review and Istanbul Journal of Economics, key concepts such as field, capital and habitus in Bourdieusian Sociology were discussed in terms of the reflection of Turkish antecedents on the identity of translators and authors. Thus, the transformation of the identity of Turkish academics between Bourdieusian Sociology and the field of translation was observed, which is an interdisciplinary and social science. It is noteworthy that they were positioned in the scientific field with the identity of an interpreter at the beginning and then a writer. Based on the idea that “The individual can transform his habitus by internalizing the social structures in the field”, it can be said that during the Reform of Istanbul University many Turkish academicians developed their own habitus and shared the capitals by taking part in the same social space as the foreign scientists.


Atatürk and the Reform of Istanbul University, Darülfünun, the faculty journals of IU, Bourdieusian Sociology, translator’s and writer’s identity.

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