Reflection of Tradition on Turkish Text Books
Geleneğin Türkçe Ders Kitaplarına Yansıma Biçimleri

Author : Teymur EROL
Number of pages : 301-313


The purpose of this study is the evaluation of the reflection of tradition in Turkish textbooks. The problem sentence of study is determined as "how did the elements of tradition reflect on 6th, 7th and 8th grade Turkish textbooks?" The data source of the study are the texts in the Turkish textbook distributed to 6th, 7th and 8th grade students in the province of Malatya for 2016-2017 academic year. Among 90 texts in the books, 22 reflected the concept of tradition. The proportional equivalent of this is 24,4 %. The obtained data were analyzed by means of descriptive analysis. Expert opinion has been consulted to reveal the reliability of the findings. The main conclusions reached in the study are as follows: In the textbooks studied, it was seen that the concept of tradition was processed through texts in 58 titles. Of these concepts, 16 are traditional children's games, 11 are traditional beliefs and attitudes, 10 are marriages, 7 is tradition and social change, 7 is traditional sports and arts, 3 is language, 2 of them were about traditional festivals and 2 of them about state tradition. It is understood that the traditional element of the children's games is the repetition of the most with 27,6 %, followed by the traditional beliefs and attitudes of 19 % and the marriage-related traditions with 17,2 %. It was determined that 10 % of the texts in the 6th grade textbook covered the concept of tradition in 33,3 % of the texts in the 7th grade textbook and 30 % of the texts in the 8th grade textbook. Although according to Turkish Statistical Institute 92,3% of the students are urban, the intensive reflection of tradition in the textbooks is evaluated as a reflex to protect the social structure.


Tradition, generation, Turkish textbooks, Turkish education and teaching, text

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